授勋辞为:With deep understanding of knowledge of the customs of our country, Prof. Chen Ying has also established herself as one of the most prestigious translators in China. During her career, Professor has in fact translated the works of the most important italian authors, including Umberto Eco, Chiara Gamberale, Alessandro Baricco and Dacia Maraini, allowing them to be disseminated to the Chinese public. Professor Chen Ying also translated Elena Ferrante's tetralogy "The brilliant friend", whose fourth chapter, "Story of the Lost Child", was among the most widely read foreign books in China in 2018.
「意大利之星」勋章是意大利共和国的荣誉勋章。它是根据2011年2月3日的法律成立的,取代了1947年意大利共和国建立之初,由首任意大利总统恩里科·德尼科拉(Enrico De Nicola)为二战后重建创立的「意大利仁惠之星」勋章。这项殊荣每年颁发给为推动意大利和其他国家的友好关系做出杰出贡献的外国人士和海外意大利人,以表彰他们在意大利与其他国家之间在促进友好关系方面的突出作用。